Business owners like all individuals should start with the basics. There are four documents that form the cornerstone of all estate planning. They are a will, durable power of attorney, medical power of attorney and directive to physician (living will). Non-traditional families and same sex couples should consider some additional documents to provide similar coverage available to married couples under the Read More
Planning for Non-Traditional Families
While the need for proper estate planning is the same for both traditional and non-traditional families, some of the planning techniques used are different. Same sex couples are not treated the same as traditional married couples for many purposes and while these differences in treatment present challenges, they are not insurmountable with proper planning. Same sex couples, just like opposite sex couples, must have Read More
Different Types of Power of Attorney
The two types of power of attorney are medical and durable. A medical power of attorney addresses who should make medical decisions if you are unable to make them for yourself. A durable power of attorney addresses financial decisions. Either power of attorney can be customized to fit the needs of your situation. A medical power of attorney allows any adult to specify who should or should not be allowed to make Read More