Most people know they need a long-term care plan but often times do not plan for it until something drastic happens. The best way to be prepared for your future is to begin planning now. Here are four ways to cover long-term care costs: 1. Life Insurance or Annuities One way to plan for long-term care is to purchase a life insurance policy or a Medicaid qualifying annuity. The policy holder pays a premium which Read More
What Can Happen to Children if Their Parents Die Without a Properly Drafted Will?
Many of us embrace the do it yourself (DIY) lifestyle. Why pay someone to do something you are fully capable of doing yourself? In many cases this is wise money management but it can be a disaster in the making. Consider the plight of Jane’s children. Jane received a medical diagnosis that ensured her premature death. She left behind four children (4, 8, 12, 15), a life insurance policy and a modest estate. She Read More